We meet from 6:45pm every Monday & Wednesday evening (excl Bank Holidays) at The Railway pub (nr. Rose Hill Station) for a run briefing at 7pm before warm-up & setting off.

Your first Run

New runners are welcome to come and try us out. Either contact us via our Facebook page or alternatively let us know when you plan to attend your first run by emailing newrunner@marplerunners.com so that we can arrange one of our team to meet you, say hello, check that you know everything you need to before you set out on your first run. Following the new runners briefing you will be introduced to your Tail Runner and, should you wish to, we’ll try to identify someone of a similar pace for you to run with. Your first run is free and then £1 per run (£2 non-members) paid to Marple Runners; 30-13-32 acc: 15347268. On Club nights we normally have 2 runs, a shorter, approximately 5k route and a longer, approximately 10k route. Both routes accommodate all paces and there will always be a tail runner to support and encourage you.

Pub-2-5k / Jeffing: Right now we currently have no Pub-2-5k events planned for 2024 but our Coaches and Run Leaders operate a run/walk jeffing session on Club Nights welcoming new and returning runners and adults who prefer this to straight up running. Want to give us a try, let us know by New Runner email if that's your speific interest: newrunner@marplerunners.com 

Training Sessions

We have a team of trained CiRF’s (Coaches in Running Fitness) and LiRF’S (Leaders in Running Fitness) here at Marple Runners, which means we can hold specific courses and training sessions for members throughout the year. Any questions on coaching, please contact coaching@marplerunners.com These include sessions such as Intervals/Speedwork and Hills, which consist of specific warm-ups, drills, skills, techniques and cool-downs. These sessions cater for ALL levels of ability, adding variety to your weekly run options. Training sessions are for members only and must be booked; we use the ‘RunTogether’ website and app in order to do this – you can join for free using the link:


Once registered you can also download the ‘Runtogether Runner’ app for your phone, to both book and view your forthcoming booked sessions.

We also put additional runs on the monthly calendar, which are very focused on the social, fun aspect of running and getting to know each other, often combined with social events.

Other Activities

We have recently introduced Everyone Welcome sessions; Walk & Talk or Let’s Get Up And Running sessions. These are sessions to help those returning from injury or time out (members only). Check the club calendar to see what is on.

Time Trials – Twice a year, we organise a friendly 4-mile club time trial along the Middlewood Way, which is usually followed by a social gathering in The Railway. Look out for details on our various social media channels.

Club Championships - The Club has an extensive and varied list of races throughout the year, which make up the Club Championships for First claim members. More information can be found here on our website using the following link – 


Cross Country – We are members of the Manchester Area Cross Country League and encourage all members to try the delights of a cold muddy run! Further details are available on our website under the NEWS section – we even have a social curry night afterwards but only for XC participants!

Weekend 24hr runs – As a club, we regularly enter teams in Thunder Run and Equinox24. These are 24-hour races which can be entered either as an individual or as part of a relay team. These, and other races, are dependent on interest but are always great fun. Information about these races are posted on our social channels and via members email.

MR Trail Race – We also organise our own annual 10k trail race in June and we actively encourage our members to volunteer to help organise or marshal at the event. It would be great if you could help us out on the day. Please email 10K@marplerunners.com for more details or to volunteer.

Social Events – We love a social event at Marple Runners and we run a variety of events throughout the year, including quiz nights, social running events, Christmas parties, time trials, as well as our annual Celebration Evening. More information is available on our website, under joining us and they are also posted to our Social Media channels.

Kit - You may have seen the infamous stripes on many of our members. There is no pressure for any of our members to buy kit but if you are tempted to be even more of a Menacer please visit the club shop on the website, for a wide range of options.


Volunteering – We do have many opportunities for members who are keen to get more involved in the club. This includes being a tailrunner on some of our weekly club runs, to being part of teams organising events in the year (e.g. our MR Trail Race, Time Trial).

If you have any questions at all, please do get in touch by emailing newrunner@marplerunners.com

Get Social

Facebook - We have a club Facebook group ; Marple Runners. This is a great place for all to share posts about all things running or ask questions.

WhatsApp Community - We have a club WhatsApp Community containing Club Announcements & special run topic chat groups. This is a safe space to socialise and talk about running of course. New members can ask to be added by emailing membership@marplerunners.com


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